Wednesday, November 13, 2013


All human being are born free and equal in dignity ang rigths. We are endowed with reason and conscience. We have the same rigths and opportunities.

Everyone of us have the equal rigths and opportunities. We are made by god  equally and by his own image. And so that we should have to respect and teat ourselves equally. Everyone of us have the rigths in everything we do and as long as this can help us. Every one of us have the opportunities or chances.

     Language.......... Can we communicate to other poeple or other country without language? Can we know if what is going on or happening into our nation? Can we express or share our thoughts and feelings without language?

     Language is everything.........Language is life......... Every individual have their own idea, ways and understanding on english language. We have a lot kind of different languages. But only, using english language is the way to understand easily by communicating to other poeple or nation. English language is our vernacular language. Almost all of our nations know how to speak in english language and many individual wants to leern english language. Every one of us has the rigths to choice what language we are going to use, as long as we can express our thoughts and feelings and were can we feel comfortable.

     Here in our scholl Ilocos Sur National High School, during the month of october we are celebrating the english olympic month celebration. In this, our dear teachers are going to conduct different activities in our school. like quiz bee, spelling bee,orathorical contest, speech choir and other more activities. A simple activities that are challenging and exciting. And everyone of uf wants to join or participate in the said activities.