Monday, March 3, 2014

My Dream, My Future

A successful life? This is what I want to make it really in life. Life is simple, it has a different meaning and a different value. Every single thing I’ve gone through in my life, Every high, every low and everything in between has led me to this moment I have right now, a moment that is priceless.

Always remind ourselves with who we are and what we want to be. The best thing we can do, is to follow our heart.

When we, my classmates are going to talk about college. We often asked what are we going to take up with, then I answered. Since I was in elementary, I will always want a teacher. I dream to become a professional and successful teacher. The career that I really have a passion for. A teacher requires a person to have a lot of responsibility. And more the reason why I’d like to become a teacher is that I want to do something to help my family and even our community and also I want to give the gift of knowledge to others.

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